mic check, one…two… 🎤
I share marketing tips and trends with a dash of pop culture and a side of straight talk to empower marketers to deliver innovative campaigns that impact the bottom line!
As a speaker with 10+ years of experience, I’ve presented at conferences around the country. I’ve spoken at Amazon, Microsoft, and Disneyland, delivering presentations for organizations including: Association of National Advertisers, Visit California, Social Media Strategies Summit, Word of Mouth Marketing Association, and so many more!
Whether delivering a keynote or sharing insights on a panel, each presentation is customized to deliver value.
Ideas are great, but action leads to impact. Each presentation shares ideas that spark innovation, along with clear, concrete takeaways that inspire action.
Delivering presentations with a dash of pop culture and a side of straight talk, to make every session energetic and engaging.

Potential topics include:
Trending on TikTok
With +1 billion monthly users, TikTok is the hottest new kid on the social media block! This session provides best practices and thought starters to help marketers tap into TikTok.
Improv Marketing
Yes... AND! This session provides actionable advice, inspiration and PLAY to help marketers leverage principles of improv comedy to develop innovative, breakthrough campaigns.
Brand You 2.0
This 4-Step Framework helps ambitious professionals build their personal brands to climb the corporate ladder, land their dream jobs and navigate the Great Resignation.

Session Formats & Options
Prepared to take the stage as a keynote speaker, session or workshop presenter, panel moderator, panelist or event host.
Amping up the energy and engagement for virtual or hybrid events.
Currently available for a limited number of live events.

Speaking engagements
AdWeek: Social Media Week
New York, NY, May 16 - 18, 2023
Panelist: Leveraging the Power of Social Media -
Intuit Women’s Network
Virtual, January 2023
Presenter: LinkedIn GlamArt of Marketing Conference: The Future is WOW!
San Diego, CA, October 2022
Presenter: Like, Tweet, Snap, Tik … What’s Next?Intuit Subject Matter Expert-Led Learning
Virtual, June 2022
Co-Presenter: TikTok Trends & Best PracticesSocial Media Strategies Summit
Virtual, February 2022
Presenter: Trending on TikTok: Best Practices for Creating Engaging TikTok ContentVisit California’s Outlook Forum
San Francisco, CA, February 2022
Panel Moderator: Feed the Beast: Harness the Power of Content Creators -
Social Media Strategies Summit
Virtual, February 2022
Presenter: Trending on TikTok: Best Practices for Creating Engaging TikTok Content
Visit California’s Outlook Forum
San Francisco, CA, February 2022
Panel Moderator: Feed the Beast: Harness the Power of Content CreatorsEmployee Communications, PR and Social Media Summit at Microsoft
Redmond, WA, October 2019
Presenter: Leveraging LinkedIn for Personal BrandingBrand Storytelling & Content Marketing Conference at Disneyland
Anaheim, CA, September 2019
Panelist: Punch up your social media content with video and visualsSocial Media Strategies Summit
Chicago, IL, May 2019
Keynote: Improv MarketingSocial Media & Digital Communications Conference at Amazon
Seattle, WA, July 2018
Panelist: How social listening can be your digital currency across platformsMasterclassing
Atlanta, GA, 2017
Brand Keynote Speaker -
Social Media Strategies Summit
Panel Moderator: How Small Teams Can Make a Big Impact on Social2019
Employee Communications, PR and Social Media Summit at Microsoft
Redmond, WA
Presenter: Leveraging LinkedIn for Personal BrandingBrand Storytelling & Content Marketing Conference at Disneyland
Anaheim, CA
Panelist: Punch up your social media content with video and visualsSocial Media Strategies Summit
Chicago, IL
Keynote: Improv Marketing2018
The Social Shake-Up
Atlanta, GA
Presenter: Finding Your Storytelling Sweet Spot with Live VideoSocial Media & Digital Communications Conference at Amazon
Seattle, WA
Panelist: How social listening can be your digital currency across platforms2017
TALK 360: The WOMMA Summit
New York, NY
Panelist: Multicultural Marketing is Mainstream MarketingAssociation of National Advertisers Digital & Social Committee Meeting
Philadelphia, PA
Presenter: Video Marketing Case StudyGeorgia Marketing Summit Panel
Atlanta, GA
Panel Moderator: Social Media StrategiesMasterclassing: Digital Marketing Masterclass
Atlanta, GA
Brand Keynote Speaker2016
Atlanta Women’s Network
Presenter: Social Media Trends for 2017Atlanta Association of Black Journalists (AABJ)
Panelist: Digital Media WorkshopBlogalicious Weekend 2016
Presenter: Partnerships and Paychecks: How bloggers, brands and agencies can connect for shared success2015
Panelist: Ethics, Disclosure and Best Practices2014
Presenter: The Rise of the Beautiful Web: How to Build Your Brand with Visal Social Media2013
Social Media Club Atlanta, 3rd Annual Pecha Kucha Night
Presenter: The Evolution of the Visual WebDigital Sherpa Webinar Series
Co-Presenter: Increasing Fan Engagement Through Social Promotions Presenter, Optimizing and Maximizing Your Facebook Brand Page in 5 Easy Steps2012
City of East Point’s Access 2 Success Business Seminar Series
Presenter: Social Media 101Digital Atlanta 2012
Co-Presenter: Crowdfunding 101: Show Me the Money!Women Interactive Creative Technology Festival Conference Curator and Panel Moderator for Blogging: How to Get Started, How to Get Paid
State Education Editors Conference, Chicago
Presenter: The New Wave of Social Media & Social Media 101BarkWorld Expo
Co-Moderator: Blogger & Brand “Speed Dating” SessionDigital Atlanta
Breakout Discussion Leader: Nonprofit Digital Strategy Forum2010
Food Blog Forum
Panelist: Blogger Best Practices for Working with Media Outlets and BrandsSocial Media Atlanta: Non-Profit Day
Break-out Discussion Leader:
Blogging and Content Creation
Seen on stages…
What People Are Saying
“Lauren is an outstanding speaker and an insightful expert on social media strategy, tactics, and trends. She has spoken at a few conferences I've produced and is always a joy to work with. She's communicative, diligent, prompt, and delivers on what you ask. Lauren combines the energy you want in a speaker with the smarts and insights you need to make presentations really worth it for attendees, so they can walk away with actionable next steps. She's also flexible and able to present in various formats (solo, panel, fireside, etc.) I would highly recommend booking her to speak at your next event or meeting!”
—beki winchel, event producer
“This was fantastic! Not only is Lauren an engaging speaker, but the information was also perfectly balanced with real-life examples to back up her points. I am leaving with a strong sense of what needs to be done and how to break into this channel in a prudent and realistic way.”
—Session attendee, social media strategies summit
“Best presentation of the day! Super insightful and engaging.”
—Session attendee, social media strategies summit
“I loved Lauren's presentation - it was applicable and actionable to what my team is talking about and working on right now as we consider TikTok for our brand!”
—Session attendee, social media strategies summit
“Fantastic balance of examples from her brand and advice for all social media marketers on a more broad level. You did a great job of spelling out the process of getting started on TikTok and how to be successful with it. Excited to incorporate this into our marketing plan.”
—Session attendee, social media strategies summit
“Lauren is an absolute pleasure to work with. She presented at a Masterclassing event in Atlanta on behalf of Cricket Wireless and Lauren had the audience engaged the whole time. We received fantastic feedback on Lauren's presentation. Witty, insightful and charming; I would highly recommend Lauren as a presenter.”
— jade scott, director of events & operations, masterclassing
“This was by far the best and most informative panel. Clean visual slides, talked slow enough for us to take notes. This was the info we were wanting.”
—Session attendee, social media strategies summit
“Best and most valuable session I've attended for what my COMMS team is working toward and to provide fresh, new information that can lead to tangible improved KPIs.”
—Session attendee, social media strategies summit
“FANTASTIC! Lauren's session was super helpful and I loved that she showed actual TikToks - even though I work in a different industry (healthcare) I felt that the strategies and tips could apply to my own clients.”
—Session attendee, social media strategies summit
“great content, great delivery - packed with info, realistic actionable suggestions, resources and more - loved it. really want the deck!”